Call for Applications to Co-Opt Members: OI Board Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Oxfam is part of a global movement for social justice. We use our power and privilege to open spaces for those with whom we share vision and values; and work with people and communities before, during and after crisis to create a world that is just and sustainable. Together, we fight inequality to end poverty and injustice.
Oxfam International [OI] is a global confederation, currently with 21 independent member organisations (‘Affiliates’). We are registered as a ‘Stichting’ (Foundation) in the Netherlands, and headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with staff and advocacy offices distributed across the world. The global confederation is united by a common vision and mission and works together to deliver Oxfam’s Global Strategic Framework.
Oxfam’s global governance architecture is designed to enable collective effectiveness and impact as a confederation. Oxfam’s global governance structure includes a composed Board, a multi-stakeholder Global Assembly and an Affiliate Business Meeting.
The Oxfam International Board is composed of independent members with no concurrent or recent affiliation with the Oxfam confederation, and non-independent members from Oxfam Affiliates. The working language of the OI Board is English. The current members’ bios are available here.
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee (FRAC)
The FRAC is currently composed of 3 members of the OI Board and 1 co-opted member who also serves as Treasurer of the Oxfam GB´s Board. The OI Chair serves as an ex officio member. The Treasurer serves as the Chair of the Committee.
Oxfam International is inviting nominations for individuals to join the FRAC as a co-opted member to serve for up to 3 years, renewable once. The mandate, decision authority and composition are reflected in the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Diversity and Inclusion
Oxfam is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion as core attributes that are aligned to our values and drive our mission. Therefore, it is important to us to reflect the diversity of the people we work with in global leadership roles at both governance and management level; and, as part of our commitment to transforming our organisation, to ignite a shift in who will lead Oxfam into the future. The selection of co-opted OI Board Committee members will thus promote inclusion across race, gender, age, caste, religion, sexual identity, disability, and lived experience.
Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work, including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and to promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We expect all staff, Board and Board Committee members to share this commitment through our Code of Conduct.
Application and Selection process
Interested individuals should send an updated CV and cover letter explaining their motivation for applying for the role by close of business (any time zone) on 16 February 2025 to the OI Governance Team at [email protected]. Applications of persons with diverse socio-political backgrounds are encouraged in line with Oxfam’s commitment to strengthen global balance and diversity of voice and perspectives. Applications which would provide greater age diversity in the committee are also encouraged.